From time to time, the Lions Club develops and hosts other events either as fund raisers foe a special cause or simply as fun for the community. In the past we have held hydroplane boat races on Lake Zurich as a way for people in the community to have fun with the lake as the central focal point.
The club has held pumpkin sales at Halloween, We have held a village wide luminary distribution. We helped build the original Kids Kingdom in Paulus Park. The Lake Zurich Lions Club was the largest single contributor to the project.
We have purchased reading machines for the Ela Area Library to help local residents with sight impairments to be able to continue reading. We support the Leader Dog and Canine Companions for Independence programs.
We purchase eyeglasses and hearing aids for those who cannot afford them. We have helped to pay for eye surgery for local residents who otherwise would go without.
We give out scholarships yearly to local high school students. We sponsor campers each year to attend Camp Lions,an Illinois camp for visually and hearing impaired children and adults.
We have Mobile Vision and Hearing Screening buses come out for area residents to have their sight and hearing tested.